Spruce Ridge, Spruce Grove

Spruce Ridge

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Located on the far west side of Spruce Grove, this is a newer area with multiple density’s and styles of homes including single family detached homes, duplexes, adult bungalows and low-rise apartments.  The area began development in early 2000’s and has been growing at a very fast rate, still expanding as of 2015.

Highlights of the area include walking distance for kids to the Tri-leisure centre, rotary play space and the new gymnastics club ran by Aerials. Shopping and restaurants all within walking distance.

Higher density than Legacy park or Heatherglen it’s neighbours but good bang for your buck.

  • 2014 Average price: $266,675.00 Highest price $522,000.00 Lowest $118,000.00
  • 2015 Average price: $301,244.00 Highest price $482,600.00 Lowest $145,000.00 
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